Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy holidays

I love this time of year.  Last year I had a six week old at Christmas. Breastfeeding was crazy hard, Mia was colicky and my postpartum hair loss started to really kick in. Oh, and Mia had baby acne and resembled a teenage boy.  This year things are different. I have a healthy, active 13 month old who's learning new words and showing me new parts to her personality every day.  It's a blast. 

In the spirit of the season, I've got to address overindulging and it's not just about you.  Kids can overindulge too!  I have a mother who loves giving my child candy whenever I'm not looking (WHY?!)  Here are some tips I'm integrating this holiday season to make sure Mia gets to enjoy the season, but also gets the essential nutrients she needs:

*Be prepared. For me this means snacks for long car rides and meltdowns at family members' homes.  I like having sliced raw veggies, dried fruit, string cheese, yogurt tubes and whole wheat crackers on hand.  Always good to pack a cooler.  Healthy snacks might also prevent a husband meltdown too. Bonus.

*At holiday gatherings, bring a veggie tray with hand-held veggies, lean meats and cheeses you know your child will eat (think carrots, broccoli, edamame beans, turkey and low-fat cheese)

*Bring a healthy dessert.  Oatmeal cookies are a great way to increase fiber and you can hide all kinds of fruit in them (try blueberries, raisins, dried cherries and cranberries).  You can also make an oatmeal bread using similar ingredients. 

*Encourage exercise.  The holidays offer lots of time for family interaction, but don't just spend the time in front of the TV.  Get the family outside for a nice walk in the fresh winter air. 

Above all, don't stress and enjoy the season.  This year I'm happy my little one is colic and acne-free.  Weeeeee!

Happy holidays to all of you moms and dads out there.  See you in 2011.

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