I started out on a high note. Mia had turned 1 and I thought doing a blog wouldn't take much time. Turns out, even getting out one post a month was challenging! I vow to do better as writing is cathartic for me and I also like chronicling Mia's life.
She's 19 months now and full of life! Also full of no. But her eating is excellent. She eats broccoli like candy and still shuns sweets. She's still not a huge meat eater, but I'm not either (much to the chagrin of my husband). I cringed when she was eating some fresh salmon that my husband caught from Lake Michigan. Those in Chicago realize Lake Michigan isn't the cleanest spot in the city and a body or two turns up in there every few months. Took everything I had not to throw the salmon in the trash and tell my husband she loved it. Thankfully in the 11 years I've known my husband he's only eaten salmon from Lake Michigan once. If it only occurs every decade or so, I'm cool with it.
This post has no theme except to admit that as a blogger, I need some work. Although as a mom, I'm doing great. Mia is eating all kinds of different foods and she's thriving. Stay tuned. I promise to be better at updating!